Mar 2007

Let's go find that dingus, sweetheart, and don't forget my gat!

I've always been a big fan of radio plays and black and white movies. My favourite, of course, is Humphrey Bogart. I mean really, who can top him for sheer guile? I love Casablanca, but I also am a big fan of the Sam Spade and Philip Marlowe characters. I find it sad that radio drama is a bit of a dying art due to TV and movies.

Or so I thought...

The irony of the era of the podcast is that it has revived the audio drama. People are tired of hearing their music and the news in podcast form and, like me, need some adventure for the ugly drive or walk to work. This is why I was very happy to come across the Black Jack Justice podcast radio plays from Decoder Ring Theatre.

Jack Justice and his partner Trixie Dixen (girl detective) are an updated form of the Sam/Philip stories. The dialogue is fresh, smart and funny, but classic enough to have a wonderful Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler charm to them. Best of all, it's recorded right here in Canada!

Go give Jack and Trixie a listen. If you like them let others know about this little Canadian secret.

Your shamus will be glad you did!